A Personal Message to All ExJWs

This is a serious time for us all. We’re being asked to look at ourselves, our unconscious acceptance of wrong, and our personal complicity. We always have room for improvement. We all need to change. For ExJWs, this moment should feel familiar. We’ve been through the process of waking up before. We’ve struggled through the process of sacrificing our most precious beliefs to take a stand for what is right. We’ve shown that we’re willing to stretch ourselves to become more than we believed possible. This moment is upon us again. Do you remember the process of questioning, investigating, deliberating, and choices that you went through when you left the organization? It took soul-searching, gut-wrenching, life-changing decisions, (some small, others larger) to reach the point you are at now. Would you change any of those decisions now? Even knowing the pain involved in that growth process, would you choose any other path? Large changes are rarely planned. Who of us would ever have guess...