
Showing posts from April, 2020

Just Reach Out for Help

I found a stash of old journals that I wrote during the darkest period of my life. My marriage was failing. I had been removed as an elder and pioneer. I had been disfellowshipped from the only religion I had ever known. And, my friends and family had cut me off. It’s a rough read. But occasionally, I find something interesting.  It appears that, even though I didn't leave the Jehovah’s Witness religion until November 2016, the rumblings of my departure started much earlier. I still believed that JWs were the only true religion when I wrote this. That belief was a crushing weight for me. I wrote this entry on January 4, 2011: “Another year creeps by and leads me toward oblivion. What will I leave behind? How can any of my actions amount to anything when the very canvas they are written on will fade away? How can I choose a direction and purpose for my life when I know nothing will last? If nothing lasts, why am I forced to live? I cannot find answers that satisfy m

From Darkness to Light

I’m writing this post for people that have left the Jehovah’s Witness religion. I am not in danger or in need of additional help. I just want ExJWs to know that, if they are struggling, they’re not alone. It’s been difficult to write new posts because of how dark things have gotten. My mental state has been very muddled and scary. The world situation seems very bleak and uncertain right now. This means it is a prime moment for my mind to revert back to the terrifying things we were taught. I see what’s going on in the world and unconsciously start projecting what is coming. I used to do that a lot when I was a JW. After 9/11, I thought I knew exactly how the world was going to start fulfilling Bible prophecies that lead to Armageddon. I felt certain that we would finally see the end of Satan’s old world. I don’t believe any of that anymore. I can’t fathom any scenario where a Supreme Being would feel the need to prove his power by destroying the vast majority of mankind

Ten Lessons I've Learned From My Yorkie

I’ve decided to take a break from writing about serious subjects and just write for fun. Things have been way too serious lately. I guess a worldwide pandemic will do that. Instead, I want to tell you about my favorite teacher. Duncan is my five-pound Yorkie. He’s seven years old and I believe he’s one of the wisest creatures I’ve ever known. In fact, here are ten things I have learned from this furry Yoda. Don’t overdramatize injuries I’ve watched Duncan shake off tumbles, falls, and crashes without making a sound. Why? Because he’s having too much fun playing. He values his playtime more than his pain. I think this is an important lesson. If I only focus on my problems and issues, even if they are serious, I don’t enjoy life. Plus, people tend to leave complainers out of fun events. Watch out for situations that can hurt, even if you look like a coward Because Duncan is small, he flinches and runs to avoid potential injuries. The sound of a book hitting th