What is Complex PTSD?

I wanted to follow up on my last post with some helpful tools for dealing with emotional flashbacks. If you have left a high-control religion, like Jehovah’s Witnesses, there’s a very good chance you will experience some of the symptoms of Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). This is different than PTSD and is more emotional in nature. When we hear about PTSD or flashbacks we typically think of the movie or television portrayal of vivid images engulfing someone. In those scenes it shows the sufferer experiencing a traumatic event all over again, complete with pictures, sounds, smells, and whatever else accompanied the initial event. Individuals who suffer from C-PTSD have emotional flashbacks. Instead of experiencing sensory reminders of an event, they feel all of the emotions associated with the initial trauma. So if you were abused verbally as a child, hearing harsh criticism can bring on all of the feelings of being a small, defenseless person seeking safety and receiving none. There is a w...