Mind Control and Self-Identity

I’m amazed at how strong mind control can be. When you belong to a high-control group your entire life, you trust that everything you are directed to do is beneficial. Even when it grates against your personal values, you push through and follow directions. Your mind never gives you room to ask questions or doubt what you are told to do. Until it does. As an elder, I never questioned the policies and procedures used in dealing with people’s problems. I trusted that what I was told to do was the best for everyone. I believed it all came from Jehovah, the Creator of the Universe. Who was I to question His direction? When a member of the congregation comes to an elder with problems or confesses an act defined as a “sin” within the group, the procedure is pretty clear. There are stock scriptures to share with people dealing with depression and other “emotional” problems but, they don’t deal with the practical matters needed to really help a person. If a supposed “sin” ...