The Music Remains the Same

"Think of the poor example you are setting by listening to music like this in front of the younger ones,” said the District Overseer as he held my Night Ranger cassette tape aloft. It was one of the worst moments of my 19-year existence. I had just been denounced by the representative of God Himself, in the West Texas/Eastern New Mexico area. I was humiliated for a reason. I needed to learn submission to the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was being trained to obey. But, all I could think of was about how grateful I was that he hadn’t seen my Duran Duran, Def Leppard and Nine Inch Nails tapes. Music was an area where I had no problem diverging from the Jehovah’s Witness norm. My tastes ran the entire spectrum. I listened to heavy metal, new wave, club, hip hop, and alternative. Fortunately, Texas Tech had a great college station playing very cutting edge music when I was growing up in the 80s. I got to hear a lot of great bands before they got popular. ...